Im Black...
So yea i just finished the other part of my degree and its meant 2 feel amazing rite?
I mean been the thoughest yr of my life, but then again everythin ive had has been born through struggle. Is that why i have only a so so reaction to yet another notch of achievement... or is coz 4 those i want it to matter the most, its just that my job - something i shld be good @ etc etc...
Well i inside im happy coz of u... my special ones... those who have seen the journey, the tears and the drama... whether close or far away... so when Ed says he is proud then im ill take it and smile... and the rest of y'all who have held me in ur thoughts... cldnt have done it with you...
So that wasnt the aim of Today... today is Im Black day.... i often steer away from the color on my skin often because of all the stereotype attached to it and i'd love to list a few of them but it aint important...
I sometimes find it easier to avoid the confrontations that arise from ignorant men who look at me and decide they know me and then proceed 2 treat me in a fashion deviod of love... So its their time 2 listen now, 2 stop pushin my slave.heart and listen... and time 4 me to represent my block
I feel the struggle of MLK and Malcom X and still believe in their dream that one day we will look at each other (whoever muslim, christian and everythin in b/w... singaporean, malyasian, kenyan and even American [insert an atlas here...]) and not see the surface rather the content of our character...
A good man by any name is still a good man! trust me i got brothers from across the globe who have shown me more love than my own has @ times....
so i invite you to share in who i am and be amazed at the story that my glazed up ebony skin tells and in return tell me yours so we testify that we are different we have character reaching out from within us into the glorious rainbow of humanity...

I'm Black...
Not by colour alone
but by Name and Pride
i'm Black
Not by Choice or Fashion
but by Destiny and heavenly Design
i'm Black
and so im different And
i have 2 rise above
i'm Black
because my flesh narrates a story
and my skin is full of character
Pushed aside and neglected 4 my humble roots
and 4eva trapped in my struggle
Confined by the ignorance of unforgiving men
and frowned upon by my own; content in their place
I dream of a black 2morrow
where my ebony skin shines in the light
in a world that cherishes my unique and gentle spirit
concieved and blessed where there was once no Light!
- dedicated 2 my people - maleik
"I have a dream that [we] will one day live in a [world]
where [we] will not be judged by the color of [our] skin but by the
content of [our] character. I have a dream today." (MLK. Jr.)
I mean been the thoughest yr of my life, but then again everythin ive had has been born through struggle. Is that why i have only a so so reaction to yet another notch of achievement... or is coz 4 those i want it to matter the most, its just that my job - something i shld be good @ etc etc...
Well i inside im happy coz of u... my special ones... those who have seen the journey, the tears and the drama... whether close or far away... so when Ed says he is proud then im ill take it and smile... and the rest of y'all who have held me in ur thoughts... cldnt have done it with you...
So that wasnt the aim of Today... today is Im Black day.... i often steer away from the color on my skin often because of all the stereotype attached to it and i'd love to list a few of them but it aint important...
I sometimes find it easier to avoid the confrontations that arise from ignorant men who look at me and decide they know me and then proceed 2 treat me in a fashion deviod of love... So its their time 2 listen now, 2 stop pushin my slave.heart and listen... and time 4 me to represent my block
I feel the struggle of MLK and Malcom X and still believe in their dream that one day we will look at each other (whoever muslim, christian and everythin in b/w... singaporean, malyasian, kenyan and even American [insert an atlas here...]) and not see the surface rather the content of our character...
A good man by any name is still a good man! trust me i got brothers from across the globe who have shown me more love than my own has @ times....
so i invite you to share in who i am and be amazed at the story that my glazed up ebony skin tells and in return tell me yours so we testify that we are different we have character reaching out from within us into the glorious rainbow of humanity...

I'm Black...
Not by colour alone
but by Name and Pride
i'm Black
Not by Choice or Fashion
but by Destiny and heavenly Design
i'm Black
and so im different And
i have 2 rise above
i'm Black
because my flesh narrates a story
and my skin is full of character
Pushed aside and neglected 4 my humble roots
and 4eva trapped in my struggle
Confined by the ignorance of unforgiving men
and frowned upon by my own; content in their place
I dream of a black 2morrow
where my ebony skin shines in the light
in a world that cherishes my unique and gentle spirit
concieved and blessed where there was once no Light!
- dedicated 2 my people - maleik
"I have a dream that [we] will one day live in a [world]
where [we] will not be judged by the color of [our] skin but by the
content of [our] character. I have a dream today." (MLK. Jr.)