Women are From MARS tooo..

I'm just sick and tired when the women always generalized the man as "MEN are all the same!!"
Theres also another saying..so girls...take note... "To know one is to BE one!!"...the phrase are just do correct in that sense.. So ladies...you are no better than the guys...
Why Am i so being emotional on this?!.. Well...various occasion occurred in these past few days... I had a discussion with my Sayang with her friend... well...She said that her boyfriend is not a town guy and he is soo nice... She was like telling me that its OK for her to take advantage of his kindness to go out with another guy behind his back.. Again, she was mentioning, that her Boyfriend was earning quite well and not spending "enough" money....so she took the liberty to ''spent" it all... I was like so stunned looking at her...cladded in tudung (i have nothing against tudung gurls!!)...decent looking...but heyyy!!....shes totally opposite from what I've though... And another statement she made " Well...its not me alone doing this...but mostly the girls i know done the same thingg!!!"....
So...shall I say men are assholeS?...well..WOMEN are no different that us MEN!!....maybe even WORST!!...
Another incident happened to me just recently, while driving from KL to my house... As usual, I would take the long route home... just enjoying my stallion looking car and suddenly, this lady Driver kancil was swiveling around the federal highway... and She looked at me as If i did something wrongg... (another disclaimer...I was at the slowest lane accordance to Malaysian road and safety regulation of the road codes!!)... I smiled...but she gave me a finger!!....bloody hell WOMAN!....
OK...let me explains this clearly... I love Women!...besides...I love my girlfriend, my mom, my sister, my grandmother so muchh... And I dont have anything against WOMEN...but I just againts the phrase they normally chanting to other people..."Men are assholes..and they are all the same"....My bet is ... WOMEN are the SAME too..or maybe much worst!!...
Sooooo...My advise ladies!!....Please dont generalise MEN.... You are no different than the rest of the population on this living planet!!
SHOUTOUT TO RUSH FROM TEPAK SIREHH!!.....check his site peeps!!