Theres something in life that you will not get what you always wanted. But even if so, you will get it..All you need to do is be calm, patience and presevere. Anything in life i presume. Perhaps some people would get their way easily, perhaps some dont really got it as planned.
I never have planned when or limit myself in my love life. Maybe in other aspect of life I do set goals and limits. When it comes to Love... Its endless limits. What I mean by it is, dont rush. I might look rushing or desperate before, but i wasnt. Maybe just being me sometimes gives bad impression to other people.
Yups...I know I've been single for almost 3 years. I had fun actually, but iM looking forward for the "new" life I just encounter. It will be more exciting really. I never felt this feeling before to any other girls before. I finally can share my happiness and my stories with her!!.. =) Maybe some little crushes and some scandalous relationships before but I definately sure, my decision to go serious with My love now is the right one!!.. I know I'm faraway but you got to do some sacrifices in any relationships afterall..
The intimacy still can be done even if you are far from your love one. Not by just touching or visual contact, even nowadays you can do visual contact really, just switched on you webcam and you could see each other.. Even better if you have 3G phones. Can call her anywhere you are and still keep the visual contact and also you could hear and speak to her!!... Not all can afford 3G phones which is still expensive, maybe webcam will be a best bet. If you dont have any webcams or internet connections, can always call her from the public phones or maybe sent her flowers, just to let her know how important she is in your life, and how much you misses her and love her.
Always asked about her, hows her day? have she eaten? always listen and be more caring to you love ones. Say I love you when you really meant it... and the most important thing is to make her smile and happy being in love with you. And you too ought to be the same.. Trust me...You will feel happy with this simple pleasures....
I love u sayangg
*Eddie...hope you could write or rewrite about your simple pleasures article!!
aWwww..sUm1 so MushY2. But taT's Juz iT, isN't It. LoVe cReaTez suCh wuNdeRz. *griNzz*
yerPz. iTz haRd to mainTain a Long-disT reLatioNshiP. But weLL, kaLo both parTies shAre taT saMe understaNding, coMmiTmen & visiOn fOr d reLatioNship.. insyaAllah, iT wouLd weRk.. aMeeN. =D
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