Shes always be my sister

Congratulations Maliek!!!... You're gonna be a big brother soon!!...I remembered when I first got my sister when I was 4 and I was so happy to get a sister. first I thought that I would get a brother and play basketball together ( I didnt even know what Basketball then when the doctor said about having a partner in Basket ball game....i dont even know how to play basketball!!)...but iM gratefull that I've been blessed with my Sister!..
We used to be so close. I remembered when we went to a party (when we were small and My brother is still a baby) , some guy were chasing after me, we were chasing around and my sister would chase him back and hit his head with a toy hammer!!... She thought I was in trouble or something... And I know sometimes without knowing...I did bullied her in some ways... Well..Im the ELDEST.. I know i wasnt that a good person..but i was young and I couldnt appreciate these simple pleasures!..
My sister is someone that will reminds me, whenever i go out with a girl, I would always remember that, she is a sister of someone and of course, her siblings won't like someone else treating her badly...Because i Dont like others to treat my sister badly or somthing happened to her... She sometimes will give me some dating tips on how to go and "get" a girl!!... But sometimes she can just be sooooo BLUR!!...but shes still my sister!!
Now, shes all grown up, seeing her with her friends, and also boyfriend(s). Sometimes i would bring her along hanging out with my friends just dont wanna her to feel bored staying at home. I miss her really.. Hope shes doing fine..
I know one day, she will be going off to start her own family, following her husband... But I will still love her no mater what..because.. SHE's My sister..the ONLY sister i Have!...
U had to have ur sister stand up for you?
What a pansy. Hahahaha...
*siGh* i waNNa LittLe sisTa...
Weh, iDan!Glad I had one of my own already! She`s becoming so pretty with her new look & style... Glad to her BIG BRO afterall!!! Do cherish them while still can,dude!
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