The Dilemna - The Best Friend and The Girl...

I know the title sounds like one of the themes from a movie that we hate to watch because it draws on our very manly heart strings
and sometimes shows our vulnerabilities... something like watching Lion King for the first time at 18 and torn between crying when Mufasa
dies and remaining loyal to your manly duties aka offering your shoulder to your date to cry on...
Back to the title... you the movies you hate to watch coz you know where the story is going... the person who best personifies you is going
to suffer a fate worse than death - your indestructible cpt kablooey [insert your superhero name here] who can duck a ridiculous amount of
bullets and escape mind-blowing situations will fall victim to what? A WOMAN - you know it happens even the ultimate James Bond fall prey to
them - i sometimes call them Men's Kryptonite... and your screen self is reduce to nothing in an instance begging for his life etc... i cant
bear to continue but you know the tale....
the only twist is on this movie... you hero never returns to his once glorious status... he is damaged goods.... thats the kind of movie im taking abt and you have to watch it to the pitiful death of the credits... and you are powerless to change the channel or walk out of the
movie that you paid to go see....
your whole day is fcuked up after that i mean why would they wanna make a movie where they guy doesnt get his girl in the end? why would the best friend character suddenly prance in... and in a moment of weakness take the source of your strength? * aside i watch a lot of black
movies... you know the brown suger types and best man genres where Hollywood endings a quickly traded in for harsh realities - ironic isnt it you go to the movies only to see the signs that are happening in your own love life...
well b4 i get all of you lost in the ravings and ranting of an almost mad black colored man (there is also a movie along those lines - 'the diary of a madd black woman') and damn was she madd but that’s a tale for another time...
so i guess i am currently staring in a movie that has been told in as many versions are there are pirate DVDs at a pasamalam (minus the porn uncle passes to you for being a good customer) i am yet to act in one of those and besides eddie chandra the director of such classics
is on hiatus...
and now i am torn between:
a) being selfish and telling my sidekick in life that he should give me the first chance coz i saw her first hehe sounds sooo childish
b) being the bigger man aka better friend aka high road taker (and i must add lonely!) and say go for it... and good luck what crap is that.
but of course it aint that simple... life never is - you have to complicate the equation and not by adding more women (which i wouldnt mind at this stage - 1 for you and 2 for me...) just joking coz i know there are some amazing women who read this stuff and i don’t want them
thinking what they thing about guys like me (and wht the hell is that meant to be anyway...) i mean i have rarely used the phrase girls like you - save for when i was 12 and a girl too my lunch money - and b4 you laugh i did grow up in terrains similar to those in the LionKing where its survival for the fittest aka biggest and lets just say that applies to all genders ALL! painful flashback but i did get to share my lunch with a real sweetheart who turned out to be my first girlfren - apparently a week ago she suffered the same fate... OR AT LEAST THATS WHAT I TOLDPPLE UNTIL NOW... can you keep my secret? anyway for those lovely ladies that's why i put my cuttest pic on earth - that's the real me - that's the kinda guy i am so watch it when you use that phrase coz now you know who you will be hurting - look into those eyes...
final paragraph of rantings... life is a biacth, then you die so in the end you're and in place A and the girl and best friend are in place B
see the complications and no amount of webcamming and other applications of Broadband are going to change that...
i should change the title of this to the ravings of a madd black wanna be movie star who lives in the real Hollywood... but im tired and my 1st blogging attempt has left me drained.... come to think abt it i don’t even know how to post this - you may never read this damn what a waste... i gotta call eddie he can fix this - he's kinda my long distance bob the builder and not in a weird way that you maybe thinking - had to add that i finally posted this on my own! well with all that advice that comes on the help page - but it was all me! until we next meet stay safe heroes...
rantings of a madd black man? catchy. do i need to bring my own tissues for part II?
hehe..congrats on ur first blog. may we be furnished with many, many more as the days roll on by.
cpt kablooey out.
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