Wednesday, September 07, 2005

L is for the way you Look at me...

Love is a subject which has been told and retold countless times, across arbitrary boundaries of gender, race or religion.

We never tire of listening to how new love is constantly unfolding around us. People fall in love every day even though they know that being in love could end up being the hardest and most painful thing they would ever do.

But finding someone to love, makes it all worthwhile. All of a sudden, even the smallest gesture of wiping her lips of some curry makes you smile. Old songs start to make sense; even the act of sharing an ice cream becomes an epic story of Mahabrata proportions.

Everytime your phone rings you hope that it's her. Even if it's a measly text message, your whole day lights up. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I enjoy the small nuances of falling in love. I used to date someone who kept leaving me "Easter Eggs" for me to find much later, and every single time i stumbled upon it, there she was - smiling from ear to ear.

"I love you honey, but a month to find that note?" she would snigger.

The act of falling in love is the greatest natural beauty afforded to us. Days are brighter, food tastes better, heck..even jokes are funnier.

Ladies..Men are just as desperately in love with you are with them. We may seem strong, brash and crude, but deep down inside we're just as hopelessly in love. We too enjoy the smaller acts of holding hands, the calls in the wee hours just for an "I love you,", the midnight strolls around the neighbourhood, the way you give us massages whenever we had a hard day at work....We're people too, and we're just as emotional as the next person.

Sex isn't everything. We may be single tracked at times, but sex isn't the only element that makes a relationship work. It is a plus, but it isn't a requirement. We may be sexist at times, but we all know that NO MAN can honestly say that he can get 'some' without the implicit permission from his partner.

If a girl says, "No, I'm not in the mood.." that means you're definately better off watching Jenna Jameson getting her freak on.

So ladies, please don't tell us that we confuse sex with love. We know the difference.

Being in love is the best feeling in the world and we all feel the same way, boy or girl.

Go out, find love and if you're lucky, fall... in love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know pray to god to have someone like u... :) it is hard though,..cuz its a tough world outside.

8:40 AM  

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