The Ideal Girl
There isn't one.
No, you're not reading a non-blog. There isn't an ideal girl. At least not for me.
I've always believed that you can fall for anyone given the right circumstances. It just takes a little effort on our side to get the snowball effect going.
I've fallen for waitresses (twice), friends, neighbours, strangers...the lot, you name it i've done it.
It's safe to say, it's been an interesting journey for each and every one of them.
What constitutes a dream girl anyway?
Does she have to be pretty? A good listener? A great conversationalist? A person who lights up the room whenever she walks in with her glowing personality?
I suppose it has to be ALL the above, since after all, we are talking about a DREAM girl here, ie the PERFECT girl.
No such thing. A perfect guy or girl doesn't exist.
Everyone has their baggages. We all have past experiences which we lug around us all the bloody time from one relationship to another. Girls keep saying, "Oh you were so different when you were courting me," and the typical male response would be
"What? I'm the same now as i've ever been," as he stretches over to scratch his balls.
Girls, Men are just like you when it comes to the courting game. We put out more than we can ever hope to deliver. Of course we seem sweet at the beginning, just as you seem so demure and in control of your emotions when we're in our 'woo' mode.
But, BAM the first month we're together and all hell breaks loose. We become 'insensitive' to you, and you turn on your 'PMS-ultra mode' on us.
The reason for this is simple. We keep putting up unnatural expectations towards one another.
There are no ideal relationships and there definately are no ideal girls or guys.
Just enjoy what you have while you have it. And for those of us still cruising the singles straits, fret not, we're no worse off. Go out, enjoy the view and take in as much knowledge about the opposite sex as you can, while you're still single.
As for me, I have no false hopes of finding an ideal girl. There isn't one.
There's only the realisation that we all need to give and take in extremis, when and only when we both realise this unshakable truth, will we be able to truly enjoy the fruits of our labour. Or labour of love in this instance.
There may not be an ideal relationship, but don't let that stop you from trying.
Shoot for the stars, if you miss and hit the moon instead, it's still high up in the sky right?
No, you're not reading a non-blog. There isn't an ideal girl. At least not for me.
I've always believed that you can fall for anyone given the right circumstances. It just takes a little effort on our side to get the snowball effect going.
I've fallen for waitresses (twice), friends, neighbours, strangers...the lot, you name it i've done it.
It's safe to say, it's been an interesting journey for each and every one of them.
What constitutes a dream girl anyway?
Does she have to be pretty? A good listener? A great conversationalist? A person who lights up the room whenever she walks in with her glowing personality?
I suppose it has to be ALL the above, since after all, we are talking about a DREAM girl here, ie the PERFECT girl.
No such thing. A perfect guy or girl doesn't exist.
Everyone has their baggages. We all have past experiences which we lug around us all the bloody time from one relationship to another. Girls keep saying, "Oh you were so different when you were courting me," and the typical male response would be
"What? I'm the same now as i've ever been," as he stretches over to scratch his balls.
Girls, Men are just like you when it comes to the courting game. We put out more than we can ever hope to deliver. Of course we seem sweet at the beginning, just as you seem so demure and in control of your emotions when we're in our 'woo' mode.
But, BAM the first month we're together and all hell breaks loose. We become 'insensitive' to you, and you turn on your 'PMS-ultra mode' on us.
The reason for this is simple. We keep putting up unnatural expectations towards one another.
There are no ideal relationships and there definately are no ideal girls or guys.
Just enjoy what you have while you have it. And for those of us still cruising the singles straits, fret not, we're no worse off. Go out, enjoy the view and take in as much knowledge about the opposite sex as you can, while you're still single.
As for me, I have no false hopes of finding an ideal girl. There isn't one.
There's only the realisation that we all need to give and take in extremis, when and only when we both realise this unshakable truth, will we be able to truly enjoy the fruits of our labour. Or labour of love in this instance.
There may not be an ideal relationship, but don't let that stop you from trying.
Shoot for the stars, if you miss and hit the moon instead, it's still high up in the sky right?
hhmm...there isnt any huh?..haha...sadly, i do have to agree with u on that eddie. sad but true..
my fren once told me "lin,..if he really is all that saint of a person..there must be something very wrong and inhuman in him"..haha
i agree with ezar. dont equate ideals with perfection. if i want to date someone perfect i might as well date myself (:P, bad joke.). a person might not be perfect but might be ideal for you, flaws and all. further, what you might consider as ídeal'for you might turn out to the contrary later. common human error to think that the thing that we desire the most is obviously, positively, definitely the best thing for us. perhaps only God knows what ídeal'for you and what's not. it's very subjective. i dont think there should be any standard and uniformed requirements.
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