Five Biggest Mistakes Men Do With Women
Originally published on Seduction Insider, written by Jackson Morris.
Mistake #1 - It Speaks
More women complain that men never come up to them and make a move. There are millions of gorgeous women online right at this moment because they have not met anyone. When I date, women always say, "I am glad you asked me out, guys never approach me."
Fundamentally gentlemen, there is no piece of ass out there that is going to fall into your hands without you asking for it. Another complaint from women is, "Only the old guys hit on me." Well good for the old guys! The older cougars out there know about the first part of this segment and also have accrued enough confidence through life that they have no fear of failure. So walk up, speak up and say, "HELLO".
You never know when you're flirting with a girl how bad she wants you to speak to her, she is not supposed to tell you, and you are supposed to know. The word "hello" is actually understood in over 40 languages, if you cant say it in your native tongue of English, then you won't be getting any tongue.
Mistake #2 - Do What You Say
Women are like camels when it comes to sex, they can go without for quite a while. They give the guy every opportunity to screw up first before they take a drink of water. One of the most obvious and most accountable places is "word of mouth". Even the gabbiest broad will remember everything coming out of your pie hole. If you tell a girl you're "never late", then you better never be late, they have a memory like an elephant and will remind you what you said verbatim. If you say have certain goals, those are only impressive if she sees you follow through with them. Don't make empty promises. Don't make promises you can't keep. Don't make statements you can not live up to. Don't make unnecessary commitments. Don't make promises in bed after sex! Underpromise & Overdeliver!
Mistake #3 - Honesty is the Best Policy
Never ever lie! A million men, including my editor are probably shrugging their shoulders and rolling their eyes, and I will still stick to my guns. Women want to know the hard truth, and it is not your job to "guess" what you think their reaction will be to your "baggage". If you have a kid, don't hide it, if you got arrested in the 70's for selling weed, then tell her that too. Having a bit of mystery to you is different then you telling her you work at Boeing when you actually work at Wal-Mart. She might dig Wal-Mart, but if you lie, she will not tell you squat. Don't downplay anything or make it less significant than it is. If you have a blemish, don't tell her it is a pimple when you know it is Herpes Virus Simplex-1.
Mistake #4 - Secure vs. Insecure
Women know the difference when you're a braggart and when you're proud. Proud is a behavior that is confident and strong based on history and experience and earning your wings. This is emulated in patience, generosity and sense of humor. The braggart always has something to prove and gives his "resume" constantly almost competing with the girl for attention. There it is, if you are a confident man, you will be giving attention, if you are an insecure man you will be competing for it. You do not have to have multiple accomplishments in any field, if you are a "real guy" with real confidence and little insecurity, she will know.
Mistake #5 - The Deal Breaker
You better be a good kisser by now, if not you might as well have a billboard over your house that says, "Lousy Lover Lives Here!" Learning how to kiss is simple, once you get good she will take you to bed, I promise. If you don't want to buy a book on kissing, then remember this, K.I.S.S. - Keep it simple stupid. The best lesson I ever got on kissing was, "do everything the girl does". If she barely opens her mouth, then you barely open your mouth. If she only gives you the tongues tip, then you do the same. If you don't know, then literally mock what she is doing. This will also turn her on because it will tease the hell out of her. If you don't learn to kiss, then you're fucked, oh wait a minute... no you're not.
Now you know what the land mines are that she has placed for us. We know now that if we want her we have to talk to her. When we talk to her we have to be honest, confident and follow through with what we say. If and when we get to kiss her, take nothing for granted and start by kissing her the way "she" kisses. Lastly, don't forget how great you are, she would not be giving you the chance if you weren't.
Mistake #1 - It Speaks
More women complain that men never come up to them and make a move. There are millions of gorgeous women online right at this moment because they have not met anyone. When I date, women always say, "I am glad you asked me out, guys never approach me."
Fundamentally gentlemen, there is no piece of ass out there that is going to fall into your hands without you asking for it. Another complaint from women is, "Only the old guys hit on me." Well good for the old guys! The older cougars out there know about the first part of this segment and also have accrued enough confidence through life that they have no fear of failure. So walk up, speak up and say, "HELLO".
You never know when you're flirting with a girl how bad she wants you to speak to her, she is not supposed to tell you, and you are supposed to know. The word "hello" is actually understood in over 40 languages, if you cant say it in your native tongue of English, then you won't be getting any tongue.
Mistake #2 - Do What You Say
Women are like camels when it comes to sex, they can go without for quite a while. They give the guy every opportunity to screw up first before they take a drink of water. One of the most obvious and most accountable places is "word of mouth". Even the gabbiest broad will remember everything coming out of your pie hole. If you tell a girl you're "never late", then you better never be late, they have a memory like an elephant and will remind you what you said verbatim. If you say have certain goals, those are only impressive if she sees you follow through with them. Don't make empty promises. Don't make promises you can't keep. Don't make statements you can not live up to. Don't make unnecessary commitments. Don't make promises in bed after sex! Underpromise & Overdeliver!
Mistake #3 - Honesty is the Best Policy
Never ever lie! A million men, including my editor are probably shrugging their shoulders and rolling their eyes, and I will still stick to my guns. Women want to know the hard truth, and it is not your job to "guess" what you think their reaction will be to your "baggage". If you have a kid, don't hide it, if you got arrested in the 70's for selling weed, then tell her that too. Having a bit of mystery to you is different then you telling her you work at Boeing when you actually work at Wal-Mart. She might dig Wal-Mart, but if you lie, she will not tell you squat. Don't downplay anything or make it less significant than it is. If you have a blemish, don't tell her it is a pimple when you know it is Herpes Virus Simplex-1.
Mistake #4 - Secure vs. Insecure
Women know the difference when you're a braggart and when you're proud. Proud is a behavior that is confident and strong based on history and experience and earning your wings. This is emulated in patience, generosity and sense of humor. The braggart always has something to prove and gives his "resume" constantly almost competing with the girl for attention. There it is, if you are a confident man, you will be giving attention, if you are an insecure man you will be competing for it. You do not have to have multiple accomplishments in any field, if you are a "real guy" with real confidence and little insecurity, she will know.
Mistake #5 - The Deal Breaker
You better be a good kisser by now, if not you might as well have a billboard over your house that says, "Lousy Lover Lives Here!" Learning how to kiss is simple, once you get good she will take you to bed, I promise. If you don't want to buy a book on kissing, then remember this, K.I.S.S. - Keep it simple stupid. The best lesson I ever got on kissing was, "do everything the girl does". If she barely opens her mouth, then you barely open your mouth. If she only gives you the tongues tip, then you do the same. If you don't know, then literally mock what she is doing. This will also turn her on because it will tease the hell out of her. If you don't learn to kiss, then you're fucked, oh wait a minute... no you're not.
Now you know what the land mines are that she has placed for us. We know now that if we want her we have to talk to her. When we talk to her we have to be honest, confident and follow through with what we say. If and when we get to kiss her, take nothing for granted and start by kissing her the way "she" kisses. Lastly, don't forget how great you are, she would not be giving you the chance if you weren't.
where were u when i was growin up!!! wait now i get it.. the little red voice on the left hand shoulder always tellin me to get into trble eH? well i wanna say thanks for the lessons....
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